Heart Disease and its Cause

Heart Disease and its Cause

Heart is the most complicated part of the body. Every one is frightened by the words “Heart Attack” and heart failure. It is now a common disease which takes out life’s too, frequently. When the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently to all parts of the body, the conditions is known as heart failure or coronary thrombosis: The usual symptoms are shortness of breath after slight excertion, pain in the chest, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue etc. The heart is four – chambered Electro – muscular pump designed to circulate the blood around the whole body continuously, without even a pause, till the end of life. In fact, it is a pair of pumps placed side by side. The heart is positioned in the chest just over the lower side of the left loave of the lungs.

The first pump situated on the right side of the heart. This pump recovers blood from the body through the veins and fills right ventricle of the heart and then pumps the blood to lungs.

The second pump on the left recovers purified blood back from the lungs and fills the left ventricle of the heart and then pumps the blood to the body. Four valves control these functions. The blood supply to the heart muscle (the myocardium) itself is provided by special arteries, called coronary arteries.

The function of the heart is controlled and regulated by electrical impulses, originating in the sinus node, a structure embedded in the heart muscle. Nearly 72 impulses are passed every minute through myocardium, this generates equal number of heart beats. In this process, heart muscle develops pressure (blood – pressure) which is responsible for the flow of blood in the body.

The nature has created other mechanical pumps (two in number) which are situated in each of the calf muscles of the legs. These pumping systems is only operative when a person is walking, running or performing some specific exercises and help the heart in accelerating the flow of blood supply in the body. These pumps do not operate when body is in resting mode. This is the broad basis on which heart helps to maintain the circulation of blood in the body.

Astrologically, heart disease may be classified grossly into two categories:

a)   Those with sudden on set – Heart attacks

b)   Those with develop as a result of the prolonged disease process – Valvular disease (Valvulitis).

In Astrology, the fourth house from Ascendant rules over the heart and breasts and the 5th sign of zodiac i.e. Leo, governs the heart in general. The Moon rules over the heart. Jupiter the lungs, Mercury the heart nerves. Mars the brain.

a)   Sun in Cancer – Aquarius or Pisces during transit and at the time of birth cause heart attaché

b)   Malefics in Leo or Aquarius during transits or at birth chart cause heart attaché.

c)   When Ascendant is in a watery sign and the lord of the Ascendant occupies a malefic houses (6th, 8th, and 12th) heart attaché may be developed.

d)   When the sign Leo or Aquarius and the 4th house from Ascendant at birth is afflicted by Mars, Rahu or Saturn, the person becomes liable for heart troubles.

e)   When Saturn, who governs the breath, afflicts sign Leo, the person becomes liable for heart attaché.

f) Besides Saturn in Leo causes organic weakness of the heart.

The lord of the 4th house in the natural zodiac, Moon governs breatst, chest, nervous debility etc., and significator for heart. Moon is also a significator planet for mind, which means if Moon is afflicted, results in worry, fear complex, mental tension which is not only connected with digestive system but also the Pulmonary.

Mars lord of 1st and 8th house of Natural Zodiac. Mars governs blood and circulation of blood.

If Mars afflicts Sun, causes hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis etc. So analytical study of planets like Sun, Moon, Mars the sign of Cancer and Leo and evil houses like 6th, 8th, 12th will definitely enable us to survey the symptoms of Heart Ailments.