Barrenness (In relation to Wife)

Parameters related to the Barrenness (In relation to Wife) mentioned below:

The afflictions of the 5th and 9th house and their lords and of Jupiter are to be specially noted.

The indications for barrenness are made strong by:

a)   The 5th house occupied by a malefic and hemmed in by Malefics.

b)   The lord of the 5th house unfavourably and unpleasantly posited.

c)   The bad position of Jupiter in association with a Malefic.

d)   The debilitation and combustion of Jupiter.

e)   Malefic planets occupying and aspecting the 5th and 9th houses from Jupiter.

The following combinations may now be examined:

1.   Jupiter or the Moon or Venus falling in Capricorn or Cancer which agrees with the 5th house. (In this instance, it is to be noted that Jupiter and the 5th house should be really weak. If they are a little strong, a male issue may be expected).

2.   Occupation of the 5th house from the Ascendant, the Moon and Jupiter by Malefics when the lord of the 5th house is associated with a malefic.

3.   The lord of the 5th house (or Jupiter) with more Malefic Vargas falling in his debilitation or inimical sign without any benefic aspect or connection when Malefic Vargas are present in the 5th house.

4.   When the Vargas of the lord of the Ascendant gets bad and inimical connections, presence of more than two Malefics in the 5th house and the position of its lord in his debilitation or inimical sign.
5.   The 5th or 9th house falling in a sign of Mercury or Saturn with Mandi and Saturn occupying or aspecting it.

6.   The Moon and Venus aspected by Malefics and posited in the Ascendant falling in one of the signs owned by Saturn or Mars.

7.   Saturn or the Sun in his own sign coinciding with the 8th house.

8.   Rahu or the Sun in the 7th house aspected by Saturn. (Even without Saturn’s aspect the woman will give birth only to dead babies).

9.   Saturn in the 7th house aspected by a Malefic.

10. Saturn in the Ascendant and Venus in the 7th when the 5th house is devoid of benefic connections and the Navamsha of the 7th house fall in Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

11. Saturn in the Ascendant falling in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Venus in the 7th house when the 5th house is free from benefic touch.

12. Very weak Malefics in the 5th house when its lord is in his debilitation or inimical sign containing Vargas of debilitated or inimical planets.

13. Venus and Jupiter in association with Mars getting posited in the 8th house.

14. Mars in the 7th house aspected by Saturn.

15. When the 5th house and its lord are strong connections of the Moon, Saturn and Mars with the 5th house.

16. Mars in the 5th house is detrimental to progeny.

17. Ascendant or the Moon in a sign of Saturn in the Trimshamsha of Venus.

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